June 7, 2016 colin

Have you ever been driving along on the freeway and up in the distance you see something that sets off a process in your mind? You begin to tense up, most likely get annoyed and irritated, and immediately you start trying to make a decision. Traffic not only causes irritation but possible tardiness which can…

June 1, 2016 Nichole Graham

I haven’t felt much like writing lately. I have had a hard time finding my voice because I’ve been too painfully aware of my flaws. I certainly don’t have everything figured out, so I have felt like, “who am I to put my ideas out there or give anyone advice about anything?” But I realized…

May 10, 2016 Riley

Life is replete with challenges, problems, difficulties, issues. Life also has blessings, miracles, good-times, and enjoyment. We can go from the highest of highs to the lowest of lows in the blink of an eye. We can go from the lowest of lows to the highest of highs as well. There are things that happen to…

March 21, 2016 colin

What are you good at? Is there something that you consider yourself pretty adapt at? Have you ever wondered why? There is a reason, and it’s actually pretty interesting and probably much simpler that you would think.  What’s more, have you ever wondered why practicing something helps you get better?… Probably not… or maybe you’ve…

March 19, 2016 Riley

Is there a secret to stay motivated?  Is there a secret to stay positive?  Is there a secret to be happy?  Each of these questions has the same answer… Yes.  It’s not what you’d expect to hear nor necessarily want to hear but it’s the truth.  Not everyone has the “gift” of happiness, the “gift”…

March 4, 2016 Nichole Graham

I have been thinking a lot about trust lately. Probably not the kind of trust that first comes to mind when you hear that word—I’m not talking about trusting someone else to behave or be a certain way. One might call what I’m talking about faith. Or simply optimism. Here’s what I mean…   I…

February 22, 2016 Riley

Life should be easier, shouldn’t it?  The answer is up to you.  I’ll tell you what I think, I think life is as easy as I decide it to be.  My life is my life.  I’m still young but I will say I’ve lived a long time.  I have learned a lot thus far.  I have…

February 15, 2016 Riley

Life will be as hard, boring, negative, slow, and unsuccessful as we choose. Conversely, life will be as easy, fun, positive, controlled, and successful as we choose. Take a moment to think about how many decisions you make every day.  How many of those decisions require effort?  How many of them are significant?  How many negatively…

February 2, 2016 colin

Written by Nichole Graham I went running this morning. I enjoy distance running because it forces me to focus on the moment. From my experience, it’s very hard to run a marathon constantly measuring how far you are from the end. Of course, I keep it somewhere in the back of my mind because, obviously,…

January 26, 2016 Riley

I have found myself “waking-up,” so to speak, from a dream where 1 year of my life just passed without a single thing accomplished.  What happened over the past 12 months?  I don’t remember doing anything substantial, where was I? This happens because we live our lives on autopilot.  We turn our minds off and…