May 14, 2015 Riley

I am a weak, flawed, imperfect, messed-up young man…Is that bad?  NO!  I am supposed to be that way.  If I were the opposite why would I ever need the grace of God?  Jesus Christ would have died in vain.  If I never needed to turn towards my Heavenly Father and beg for forgiveness or…

May 7, 2015 Colin

A long time ago, in a tiny medieval village, a farmer spotted three soldiers on the edge of town. Knowing what would likely happen next, he ran into the marketplace shouting a warning: “Quick, close the doors, lock the windows! There are hungry soldiers coming and they’ll take away all our food.” The soldiers were…

May 5, 2015 Riley

What is true happiness?  Is it money?  Is it fame?  Is it traveling the world?  To me these things can bring happiness for a brief moment.  They will be enjoyed in time, but God is timeless and eternal, how do we find a happiness that will endure as long as our souls do?  Does an…

April 30, 2015 Colin

Once upon a time, I was a youngster and I would hang out with my two cousins who were twins. We mixed it up a bit, sometimes at my house sometimes at their mom’s and sometimes at their dad’s. When we hung out at their dad’s we would almost always gets some sport activity going…

April 23, 2015 Colin

Getting along with other is a serious deal! Today I think that we as people have forgotten what it’s like to actually achieve a relationship with people that we are around a lot, especially when those people might be extra hard to be around.  We have a desired environment that we want and when that…

April 22, 2015 Riley

This article was sparked by a friend of mine who is learning more about the LDS Church.  She has been reading, praying, and learning from the missionaries that visit her.  We were talking on the phone and she told me of something that I personally experience everyday.  It is a common pattern for me. I…

April 16, 2015 Riley

I am writing this with an eternal perspective.  By that I think about our destiny and what we are capable of.  This life isn’t it, there is so much more that I can’t comprehend.  What if Adam and Eve didn’t partake of the fruit of knowledge of good and evil?  There is a great scripture…

April 10, 2015 Colin

Hello everyone! Sorry about missing last week. Fortunately Riley gave a great article last week that made up for my lack of one.  Deciding what to write about this week was a little hard, not because I didn’t have anything to write about rather, I couldn’t decide which topic I wanted to write about. I…

April 9, 2015 Riley

I believe in a divine origin.  Do you?  Why are we here, on this earth, at this time?  I believe this scripture will give a guide to answer those questions. “And God saw these souls that they were good, and he stood in the midst of them, and he said: These I will make my…

April 2, 2015 Riley

I can imagine when people see the title of this article they will think I am writing about the righteous, the just, the peacekeepers.  I am not.  This is a different type of just people, for example I am one of them.  I associate with many people that have either left and question the faith…